Saturday, November 17, 2012

I AM SHOCKED: Denis Mpagaze

I am shocked
By D. Mpagaze.
Six years of secondary school to me were of hardworking characterized by every sorts of sleepless merely to acquire ticket to join the university world and course I made it. The hardworking was moved by the picture I had in my mind about the university as a place where its citizens are very busy reading books, doing researches, writing books, developing new ideas which could provide any solutions to social problems because whoever joined the university had to show wonderful performance in form six examination.However, I was shocked to find the different picture. I say I was shocked to find gossips, every sorts of leasure and love stories dominate the daily lives of univeisty citizens. I couldn’t believe to find in almost every room these citizens busy with every sort of music pollution from sub hoofers. Stundets are very busy amusing themselves through movies, soaps, spots and music from Asia, Europe and America. While male university citizens watch European leagues, female citizens are busy watching American or Philippines’ soaps.

After consuming such westen media contents our ladies end up in buying counterfeit hair, nails, and eyebrews and cope to look like European ladies in African land. Such people are spending much of their time killing their nationalities and feel proud of that. It is a very sad story to find a university person being in front line betraying his nationality.

Over drinking remains a culture to many university citizens. These people remain number one customers of night clubs and bars in all the days.

My knowledge shows that craming without understand is the culture of both students and lecturers. Worse most of these university citizens suffer from google mentality. There are no more independent thinkers. In every assignment google is behind. The people whom expected most intelligent in the world they can even answer a very simple question before consulting Google. Don’t be surprised when in future our country will be full of google graduates.

The results of this kind of learning, I mean craming to death, has made most university citizens keep on learning very outdated theories which fail to show any sense of life in 21st Century. Lecturers keep on teaching such theories needing stundents to reproduce the same during final examination and graduate with clearn certificates and add more problems to the society. A person is fed with beans in the morning and forced to vomit the same in the evening. I am shocked because it is very difficulty to diferentiant university citizens from chimpanzees because they both have the ability to crame and not to think critically. I mean that the right to think which inereanable right is replacing by the right to memorize and cram.

To me secondary school education was somehow better than what I found in university. The common saying that education is the key to life I find it not applying here at the university in stead padlock to life. Unless education policy is changed, the future of this nation is uncertain. Let the coming institution think of this.

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